I can’t believe it’s June 24th already! Summer slow down! 

I’m hoping you popped over from Susan Scott Shelley’s Blog. This weeks questions are courtesy of yours truly! 

1. How do you respond to someone calling your writing smut or demeaning your work in some other way?

When I first started writing romance, I was so worried about what people might say or think; I didn’t tell hardly anyone. Then, someone asked me if I was ashamed of what I wrote. 

I took a long, hard look at my writing and myself and my answer was unequivocally, “NO!” 

I’m not writing for the people who don’t approve or romance novels for one reason or another, and though I’ve dealt with some raised eyebrows and, yes, even one person in particular continually calling my craft, “smut,” I won’t quit. 

My writing is a calling. It doesn’t matter if everyone gets it. I know what I have to do, and I’m doing it until God himself tells me not to.  

2. When critiquing or beta reading, do you ever find the voice of the other author creeping into your writing?

I try not to, but occasionally it has happened. I catch it when I re-read my work, or sometimes a crit partner will ask what’s up. Then it’s head smacking the desk time. 

I’ve deliberately not read some books for that very reason and I try not to read books similar to the book I’m currently writing to prevent the ‘voice sneak’ from occurring. 

My Writing Room

3. What’s one quirky thing you do or must have around you while writing?

For me, it’s Avya, my mini dachsie. She’s on my lap sleeping right now! 

I didn’t have her for Highlander’s Hope, but she’s been my writing partner for The Viscount’s Vow, The Earl’s Enticement, Triumph and Treasure, Virtue and Valor, and Bride of Falcon


I’m not too crazy about the days she gassy while sleeping. Gads! 

I also have to have water nearby, and I do my best writing in my Shabby Chic writing room. 

Okay, that’s enough about me. Let’s trot over to Brenda Margriet’s and see what she has to say. 

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