Romance Writers' Weekly-My Quirky Writing Habits | COLLETTE CAMERON
Just because I’m a snoop, I wanted to know what quirky habits or must-haves my fellow Romance Weekly authors needed nearby when they are pursuing their muse. Or their muse is pursing the, whichever-the-case-may-be. 

I’m hoping you found your way here from Leslie Hatchel’s blog. 
Romance Writers' Weekly-My Quirky Writing Habits 4
First, my writing area has to be tidy. 
I usually have an assortment of sticky notes stuck to the sides of my monitor, but I’m actually almost caught up with my to-do list so you are spared the site. I do have scads of all sized Sticky Notes nearby and use tons of them when writing. 
Romance Writers' Weekly-My Quirky Writing Habits 5
If I have a thought I don’t want to lose and don’t want to interrupt my writing, I’ll jot myself a quick note and slap it on any available surface. 
To the right side of my desk, are photos of my three kids and a bottle of water. I’m loving the sparkling water I make myself with the Soda Stream machine one of my son’s bought me for Christmas. 
On a small table to the left of my desk, I keep a cup of coffee or tea on a warmer. Today’s rainy and nasty so I’m pumping myself full of coffee flavored with pumpkin spice creamer. 
My favorite reference books are there too, along with my writing bible, and any other often-used documents. 
I adore candles but have a tendency to forget about them unless leave them burning on the kitchen stove, so wax warmers have become my best friend. 
One of the first things I do before I start writing is switch on the wax warmer in my writing room. This week’s scent is Vintage Lace, and the aroma reminds me of my great-grandmother. 
Of course, I have the Ayvagator in my lap (she’s napping their all snuggled in her blanky right now). Sometimes she likes to sleep on her fluffly floor pillow or climb on top of the over-stuffed chair in the room, but she’s always with me when I write. 
Um, unless she sneaks out  of the room to take a pooh. 
That’s it. Nothing to terribly fascinating or weird. 
There is one thing I could do without though: my neighbor parading naked in from of his bathroom window at all hours of the day. 
I cannot wait to see what A.S. Fenichel’s  quirky habits might be!

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