Romance Writers Weekly-Celebrating St. Patrick's Day


Romance Writer Weekly-Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day



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Bette Bolte wants to know how the authors of Romance Writers Weekly are celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. I do hope you zipped over for Veronica Forand’s

She has a new release, Untrue Colors.  Be sure to check it out.

I usually end up teaching on St. Patrick’s Day which basically means  spend the day telling kids not to pinch each other  or draw on themselves with green markers. Some things never change.

When my kids were little, I used to put green food coloring in their milk and sometimes their scrambled eggs too. Often we’d have green cookies or cupcakes too. I’m not a fan of Irish Coffee so there’s no sneaking a nip or two. 

I do wear green (yes, I own something other than blue) but that’s mostly to keep students from bugging me all day.  After about the fiftieth one asking you wear your green is, you’re prepared to expose shamrock undies just to get them to hush. I even have a new pair of St. Patrick’s Day socks to wear! 

This year I’m celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with several authors from Windtree Press at a book signing at Jacobsen’s Books and More in Hillsboro, Oregon. 



211 E Main Street Hillsboro, OR


We’re munching on St. Patrick themed goodies and trying to stump readers with a little Irish blarney. 

I’m look forward to seeing what  Leslie Hatchel is doing this St. Patrick’s Day. 

Do you have any special traditions you do to celebrate the day? 

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