Dear Readers,
Today, Red Jameson is interviewing Duncan MacKay! 
Lets take a peek, shall we? 
After giving me the gift of a real Scotland plaid, something I’ve always wanted and Duncan was thoughtful enough to think of—he’s such a considerate guy, Duncan and I sit on my couch for a cup of coffee with a little kick added—whisky. The “kick” he’s brought with him in a silver flask.
Me: Oof, this is strong coffee. (coughing)
Duncan: (quietly laughs at me)
Me: (After dramatically rolling my eyes at him) Okay, I’m so excited to share more about you. So tell us about yourself, please.
Duncan: Ach, I never ken what to say for these kinds of questions. Not much ‘bout me, really. Was born and raised in Durness, Scotland. That’s the Highlands for all those who don’ ken. At the age of seven and ten joined the army and was a soldier for the rest of my life, save when Fleur Anpao and I met.
Me: Okay. Let’s get to the juicy stuff now. What is it that you want, but cannot have? Authors call this the conflict of the story.

Duncan: (It’s his turn to roll his eyes at me) I ken what authors call conflict of the story. I’m not completely daft.
Me: Sorry! Sorry. Anyway, answer me.
Duncan: Bossy lass, aren’t ye? All right, I’ll spill. My brothers are what I want and keep strivin’ for. The fact is, as strange as this might sound, I’m more than three hundred years old now. My brothers were prisoners of war when Cromwell ravaged Scotland. I’ve been trying to find them since. But in walked this wee bonny lass, my Fleur, and so much has changed since I met her. I was tellin’ ye ‘bout her in the question ye asked earlier.
Me: (Smiling) Yes, you were. I’m so happy you met her. Now, what inner doubt causes you the most difficulty?
Duncan: We need to have a few pints before I answer that.
Me: I think the coffee should suffice, but I’m a lightweight.
Duncan: (Laughs) Aye, ye are. Mayhap I’ll get more answers out of ye.
Me: (Shaking head vigorously) There’s nothing here to tell.
Duncan: The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Me: Aw, I love Hamlet! But—hey!—are you avoiding this interview?
Duncan: (sighs and shrugs) I’m still not sure how ye convinced me to do this. (he adjusts his giant frame uncomfortably) I’m not fond of talkin’ ‘bout myself.
Me: All right, let’s broach something you do like talking about. So tell us about Fleur.
Duncan: (Instantly he smiles widely) Oh, my Fleur. I wax poetic ‘bout her. Me, can ye believe that? A poet. All because o’ her. She’s the most bonny, er, beautiful women I’ve ever seen. Her hair in the shade is the blackest black, like a raven. But in full sun or when a firelight glimmers onto her hair, it shines almost red. Not any kind o’ red, ye ken. A cinnamon red. Ach, and the way she smells . . . Lord, I haven’ even told ye the best part about my Fleur. ‘Tis her heart, it is. She’s the strongest, bravest lass—nay, person. And her mind! Did I tell ye she happens to be brilliant? Oh, my Fleur, I’m not too sure what good or descent thing I ever did in this life to have met a woman like her. But I’m damned grateful I did encounter her.
Me: (clasping my hands over my heart) And what would Fleur say about you?
Duncan: (laughs) Don’ rightly ken. She tells me she loves my words, and (he quietly chuckles again) my arms. She tells me she loves my mind too. But she tells me she loves my heart most of all. Aren’t I the luckiest son o’ a bitch ye ever kenned? Oh, excuse my language.
Me: (laughing myself) It’s okay. I have a potty mouth too. So what is your family like?
Duncan: We laughed a lot. I had four younger brothers. Douglas passed while fighting against Cromwell’s New Order Army. But my brothers, they made life worth living while growing up. My step-da, their father, wasn’ much of a da, if ye ken my meanin’. So we had each other. And our ma. My ma was a real strong woman too. A healer, she was. She’d have been a physician had she been born in this time. Aye, my family loved much, laughed as often as we could too.
Me: Are you happy with the way your story ended?
Duncan: Happy, aye. Very happy. But . . . I need to find my brothers still. I’ll continue lookin’ for ‘em. I will.
Me: Thank you so much for letting me interview you!
Duncan: That’s it? Well, that wasn’t the torture I thought it would be. Shall we have a pint on it then?
You can find out more about Duncan and his quest to find his brothers in the Glimpse Time-Travel Series.

 Book Two of the Glimpse Time Travel Series
Trickster muse sisters, Clio and Erato, kidnap genealogist Fleur Anpao and dump her in the seventeenth century. Even though Fleur has never been to Scotland, let alone the Highlands, and feels like a modern-day fish out of an ancient loch, the muses have a plan. What it is remains to be ambiguous—they are mischievous muses, after all, and can’t just tell her. Though the logical genealogist wants nothing more than to return home, there’s something about this time and rough land that feels somehow familiar. And there’s something about Duncan MacKay—so strong, so brutally handsome, and so distracting.
As a mercenary for long years, Duncan has seen many things. But never in his life has he seen the likes of Fleur: more beautiful than any woman he could have imagined. It doesn’t matter she insists she’s from another time, or that she’s too far out of reach for a common man like him. He’s drawn to her intelligence and wicked sense of humor. However, Cromwell’s reign threatens anarchy, clan rivalries reach a peak, and a laird’s younger brother vies for her attention. He can hardly protect her from his county’s bedlam, let alone convince her he’s the better man. And if he does, will the bonny time traveler stay with him?
Making matters worse, a god wreaks havoc, or has fun as he calls it, with Clio and Erato’s mortals. The two firecracker time stewards might have to set down their margaritas for this glimpse!
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A bit about Red
As a military historian by day, sometimes Red does feel a bit clandestine when she writes romance at night. No one knows that while she researches heroes of the past and present, she uses everything for her characters in her books. Her secret’s been safe . . . until now.
She lives in Montana with her family and far too many animals but never enough books.
She loves her readers, so please feel free to contact her at
You can find Red L. Jameson at . . .
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USA Today Bestselling Author Collette Cameron, Collette Cameron historical romances, Collette Cameron Regency romances, Collette Cameron romance novels, Collette Cameron Scottish historical romance books, Blue Rose Romance, Bestselling historical romance authors, historical romance novels, Regency romance novels, Highlander romance books, Scottish romance novels, romance novel covers, Bestselling romance novels, Bestselling Regency romances, Bestselling Scottish Romances, Bestselling Highlander romances, Victorian Romances, lords and ladies romance novels, Regency England Dukes romance books, aristocrats and royalty, happily ever after novels, love stories, USA Today Bestselling Author Collette Cameron, Collette Cameron historical romances, Collette Cameron Regency romances, Collette Cameron romance novels, Collette Cameron Scottish historical romance books, Blue Rose Romance, Bestselling historical romance authors, historical romance novels, Regency romance novels, Highlander romance books, Scottish romance novels, romance novel covers, Bestselling romance novels, Bestselling Regency romances, Bestselling Scottish Romances, Bestselling Highlander romances, Victorian Romances, lords and ladies romance novels, Regency England Dukes romance books, aristocrats and royalty, happily ever after novels, love stories, wallflowers, rakes and rogues, award-winning books, Award-winning author, historical romance audio books,, The Regency Rose Newsletter, Sweet-to-Spicy Timeless Romance

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