Mini-Muse Monday #Respect Romance | COLLETTE CAMERON
Mini-Muse Monday #Respect Romance 


The theme today isn’t new, respecting romance, but my local Romance Writers of America™ Chapter, Rose City Romance Writers is hosting an event the weekend of February 20-21st, and on Sunday, we’re showing a documentary, Love Between the Covers

No, it’s not a porn movie but rather a film about the lives and careers of five romance authors over a span of five years.

Why? Because until now, no filmmaker has ever respected the romance community enough to take on the venture, despite romance novels outselling mystery, sci-fi, and fantasy combined.

For years, romance novels have overwhelmingly led the fiction industry in generating sales, yet amongst many literature circles still, eyebrows raise and noses lift haughtily when an author reveals they write romance. 

There is a perception that romance authors are less talented, for surely if they had real ability, they wouldn’t choose to write romance. No author with a gift for penning words wants to write shallow, trite stories with unoriginal plots and tales where readers can predict the ending, right? 

The romance industry has begun to fight back, demanding respect for its authors and their craft. 

I’m friends with several authors who used to write other genres (many non-fiction) and turned their noses up at romance novels until they read one. Or two. Or a dozen. Now they are some of the strongest advocates for the much beleaguered genre. 

Today’s mini muse addresses the lack of respect for romanced writers and the romance community as a whole. 

What are your thoughts about the romance industry and its authors? Do they deserve the same respect as other writers and classifications of literature? 


If you live in Portland, Oregon area and are interested in seeing the film. you can find ticket information here: LOVE BETWEEN THE COVERS


There is also a Cocktail Hour where you have a chance to meet several of our authors. All the details are on the website! I hope I see some of you there. 



USA Today Bestselling Author Collette Cameron, Collette Cameron historical romances, Collette Cameron Regency romances, Collette Cameron romance novels, Collette Cameron Scottish historical romance books, Blue Rose Romance, Bestselling historical romance authors, historical romance novels, Regency romance novels, Highlander romance books, Scottish romance novels, romance novel covers, Bestselling romance novels, Bestselling Regency romances, Bestselling Scottish Romances, Bestselling Highlander romances, Victorian Romances, lords and ladies romance novels, Regency England Dukes romance books, aristocrats and royalty, happily ever after novels, love stories, USA Today Bestselling Author Collette Cameron, Collette Cameron historical romances, Collette Cameron Regency romances, Collette Cameron romance novels, Collette Cameron Scottish historical romance books, Blue Rose Romance, Bestselling historical romance authors, historical romance novels, Regency romance novels, Highlander romance books, Scottish romance novels, romance novel covers, Bestselling romance novels, Bestselling Regency romances, Bestselling Scottish Romances, Bestselling Highlander romances, Victorian Romances, lords and ladies romance novels, Regency England Dukes romance books, aristocrats and royalty, happily ever after novels, love stories, wallflowers, rakes and rogues, award-winning books, Award-winning author, historical romance audio books,, The Regency Rose Newsletter, Sweet-to-Spicy Timeless Romance

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