Mini-Muse Monday-Heroes. Hunks or Honeys? | COLLETTE CAMERON


Mini-Muse Monday-Heroes. Hunks or Honeys?


I had the dubious pleasure of speaking to two high school classes this last week about romance novels and what being an author entails. I have been asked to come back for four more presentations. The curriculum the students had been provided pertaining to romance novels was archaic and inaccurate. I told them the best use of those papers might be in the restroom the next time they had a need.

Really. I did. Even the teachers laughed.

Here’s what the instructional material said about heroes:

The hero should be about ten years older than the heroine and can be foreign or American. He needn’t be handsome in a traditional sense, but he must be strongly masculine. Always tall and well built (not brawny or thick) and usually dark, he looks as terrific in a three-piece suit as he does in sports clothes. His clothes reflect good taste and an affluent life-style. Very successful professionally and financially, he is a man in charge of whatever work he’s engaged in (financier, doctor, publisher, architect, business executive, airline pilot, artist, etc.). His wealth is manifested in his sophistication and experience. His past may be slightly mysterious or shrouded by some painful moment (perhaps with a 60 woman) that he doesn’t want to discuss.

Whatever the circumstance — his wife’s death or divorce are common — it was not his fault. Avoid chronic problems such as alcoholism, drug addiction, or sexual dysfunctions. To others he may appear moody, angry, unpredictable, and explosively passionate, but the heroine eventually comes to realize his warm, tender side. He should be attractive not only as a lover but also as a potential husband and father.

Just the week before, I’d conducted an informal poll on Facebook (Naturally pictures were included to inspire deep intellectual contemplation!) and I asked my readers what type of heroes they most liked. Not unexpectedly, highlanders, pirates, medieval knights, and Regency gentlemen were all very popular.

I’d like to extend that discussion into today’s mini-muse.

There are all sorts of hero descriptions out there: alpha male, chief, charmer, best friend, bad boy, lost soul, warrior, and intellect to name a few, and naturally, heroes can be a combination of these types.

I’d love to know, beyond the general hero stereotypes, what do you love most in a hero?

Humor, compassion, strength, tenderness …? The list is endless.

What is an unredeemable characteristic or quality that is a deal breaker for you?


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