Today I’m thrilled to have Katherine Bone, author of  Duke by Day, Rogue by Night, Book One in the Nelson’s Tea Series, with me in the  Blue Rose Writing Room.

Katherine’s offering a $25.00 giftcard in my blogiversary giveaway. You can enter here:
Welcome Lady Katherine!

So can you tell us, do you use a pen name/pseudo name? 
Writing about pirates with a name like Bone, seems like a no-brainer, right? LOL!!! (I could have been a Romantic Suspense author writing about CSI stuff too. J )
Can you tell us how long  you have been writing?
I’d love to, Collette! I’ve always been writing in some form or another. Whether making up stories for Barbie and Ken as a kid or writing poetry, not to mention creating artwork at Art School, I’ve spent a lot of time searching for adventure inside my head.

Buahahaha!!! Not a normal place to be at times. The urge to write my own books, however, grew from wanting to create stories that could find a way into a reader’s heart and helping that reader escape into another world, far from the worries of the day. In 1992, when my rogue and I got our very first computer, I finally decided to write my first full-length book and, with a love for westerns, particularly John Wayne’s The Searchers, I set out on an adventure to research the Sioux. That book, Flame Rising, took more than ten years and went through four incarnations, straight Post-Civil War Western to Paranormal Post-Civil War Western. Talk about an odyssey! There’s nothing like a book of the heart to keep one on task. But when attempts to get that book published were met with rejections aplenty, I decided to try my hand at something else.
My first love had always been pirate novels via Johanna Lindsey, Fern Michaels, Bobbi Smith, and more. With the release of Pirate of the Caribbean and the rise of authors like Shana Galen, Katharine Ashe, Jennifer Ashley, and Danelle Harmon, I knew pirates were on the rise again. Research into the genre revealed little known facts that pirates existed in the English Channel until 1835. Why write about the 1700’s and the Caribbean, mate, when the Regency beckoned? A light bulb went off above in my head and the Nelson’s Tea Series was born.
I adore pirate stories!
What’s one thing you absolutely can’t tolerate during your writing? One thing you can’t write without?
Writing historical romance takes mental effort. Think Christopher Reeve’s Richard Collier willing himself back in time so that he can meet Jane Seymour’s Elise McKenna in Somewhere in Time. As long as I don’t have a 1978 penny in my pocket, it’s a go. So my number one “Can’t do” is having anything modern via music or television on in the background while writing the first draft. That leads to what I have to have while writing: quiet, Pirates of the Caribbean music, various period soundtrack music, or Baroque music.
“You forgot to include the rum, luv.” Jack winks.
Hmm, I haven’t tried writing with a dram of rum on hand. Maybe I should.
What’s the funniest thing anyone has ever said to you about your writing? Or the unkindest? Or the oddest?
“Put your pirates under the bed.” If I had, Nelson’s Tea would never have seen daylight. Which reminds me of this great quote from Galaxy Quest: Never give up. Never surrender. (Actually taken from a quote by Winston Churchill. J )
Another reason to ignore said advice —I do have a life-size Captain Jack Sparrow. Though (hands head) my rogue won’t allow it in the bedroom.
Chuckling here!
What historical figure do you wish you could have met?
Oh, Collette! Now this is a loaded question. There are plenty of historical figures I’d love to have met, though it might not be prudent since they were all violent and wouldn’t take kindly to my curiosity. What do they say happened to the curious cat? If, however, I could meet said baddies safely, it would be crazy wild to meet Grania ny Maille (Grace O’Malley) famed Irish pirate who sparred with Queen Elizabeth and died the same year as the queen in 1603. There is Boudicca or Boadicea (Queen of the Celts), a woman who led her people after her daughters were raped before her eyes. Anne Bonny and Mary Read for their swashbuckle courage and love for Calico Jack. Blackbeard and his smokin’ beard. Zephaniah Job, a pirate who ruled Cornwall and the Channel for 30 years in the late 1700s. Each of these fabulous historical figures lived outrageously in their times. But what was it about them or their environment that forced them to use formidable strength and aggression in the face of social constraints? We’re talking real people who rose above human spirit, courage, and determination to pillage and plunder under their terms, albeit badly.
How people respond to events around them intrigues me. Researching and questioning the life journeys people have taken helps develop a better romance novel, IMHO. J
Isn’t that what makes writing historical so marvelous? We get to “meet” all kinds of interesting and fascinating people.
Please, tell us one unusual, weird, or curious fact you discovered while researching this book.
Ooh! Ooh! I love this one!
“Settle down, luv. You promised there’d be rum after this interview, not before. Don’t scare off the wee lassie.”
Setting rum jug aside…
Okay, Lady Collette. Here goes… Amazing things happen when writers write, right? At least, I think so. I’m an unusual egg in that I LOVE research. Nothing’s better than finding a tidbit of information that correlates and solidifies the story you’ve just imagined. For instance, while researching Admiral Horatio Nelson, I discovered that he was never without his tea, even aboard ship. Taking this one step further… the mercenary group Nelson’s Tea was born. What if Nelson had an undercover group of men set into place to help him protect England’s shores from French invasion, one that could be called upon at a moment’s notice? When I discovered Nelson was in fact ordered to do this very thing in 1801, much rum was to be had by me and me crew (me again)! In fact, that’s how the mythos for Nelson’s Tea developed in my novella My Lord Rogue, the prequel to Duke by Day, Rogue by Night. Woot!
“I believe you have a picture of that somewhere…” Jacks cracks that charming smile and slings his blunderbuss pistol over his shoulder.
“Oh, Jack! You are my knight in shining armor.”
“Well, I do have a shiny trinket or two in me mouth.”
What are you most proud of about your writing?
That’s a loaded question, Collette. I’d have to humbly suggest that if there was one thing I hope to be proud of, it’s providing adventure, a step away from daily problems, for readers of my books. I’m all about bringing the swashbuckle to the masses. Not to mention, adding a lot of romance and romp between my heroes and heroines for kicks and grins. There’s nothing more beautiful and lasting than a reader confiding that they stayed up all night reading a book because they couldn’t stop. Bull’s-eye!  Or… this book took me away from my problems and gave me hope that love can be found anywhere, anytime you least expect it. If I could accomplish those two simple and yet, oh! so hard to do things, I’d consider my career as an author a success. J
How do you respond to negative reviews?
Boom goes the undead monkey!
“Jack!” He’s so protective. “Back away, luv. I can handle this on my own.” J
If there’s one thing author’s grapple with, it’s the stigma of reviews, both good and bad. Everyone has an opinion, right? No two of us are the same. Doesn’t that make for a more exciting world to live in? Knowing that and using that knowledge isn’t easy, however. Here’s where I think rejections from agents/editors and contest results do good work, providing writers don’t cave during the process. If it wasn’t for learning how to juggle years of rejection/negativity, I doubt any writer could withstand the opinions of others. As in life, I’ve personally had to learn to discern what’s important and what isn’t. I’m constantly learning that I cannot control what happens to my stories once they’re in the public domain. And believe me that is one of the hardest facets of this business to accept. Like anyone who believes their child is the most adorable, precious thing on earth, a writer believes the very same thing about their baby/book.
Look at it this way. Your ship won’t come in if it never sails out of port. Cannon can’t find their mark if they’re never primed and fired. Never be afraid to sail off to that horizon, me hearties. Be brave. Believe to receive. That and more shall return back to you!
Well said!!
What’s one new thing you’d like to try?
Why, dressing in Regency period clothing and writing with a quill on board a three-masted Brig, of course. (Pirate!)
I’ll be wearing a bit of Regency clothing at the Beau Monde soirée in San Antonio in July.
What is something you are determined to do?
Determination is the key to success. If I want my books to succeed, I’m going to have to be as determined as anyone else to become a career-oriented author. Oh, I could write one book and then one more and quit. But that would never satisfy my soul. Writers write, no matter the circumstances. As a reader, I’ve been given much. As a writer, I want to give back equally, plus a whole lotta more crazy wild goodness. So, I’d have to say I’m determined to write and write and write through bad reviews, pain, sorrow, and joy. If I fail, I’m determined to try and try again. As Winston Churchill said, “Never, never, never, never, never give up.” You never know if you’ll succeed until you try, right? I don’t want my life to end without being able to say, I gave it my best shot. (Rum is a given. Buahahahaha!)
What are you most afraid of?
Jack steps forward and raises his blunderbuss. “This bullet isn’t meant for you.”
“Jack,” I cry. “Honestly. I’m sure that Lady Collette knows how much you abhor the Kraken.”
“That beastie bested me once.” Wrinkles his nose.
Sorry, Collette. Jack is not a subtle man. LOL!!! But what he says sums up my attitude about fear. If we give fear reign over our minds, we set ourselves up for failure. Every year I tell myself to look at life as an adventure, to tame my fear, to take one step at a time with a thankful heart for all that I’ve been given. We can’t know where we’re going until we know where we came from, right? But as writers, we can — — USE that fear, compartmentalize it and give it a storyline. In essence, we can overcome anything set in our path, if we choose to do so. What do I fear? Being paralyzed with doubt. Forgetting that life isn’t guaranteed. I fear being stuck in dry dock/complacency and forgetting to raise my spyglass toward that coveted horizon. It’s 2014! Possibilities are endless. And if we refuse to sail toward them, reach for new goals, we are locked in cells while a dog wags his tail and trots away with the key. J
Tell us something unusual, quirky, or odd about yourself.
If you haven’t guessed by now, Lady Collete, I’m a huge pirate and Captain Jack Sparrow fan. As I said, I’ve got a life-size Captain Jack Sparrow in my office. I talk about rum, though it’s usually gone. Collect Johnny Depp and Gerard Butler movies. “This is Sparta!” (Brazen kick.) I speak pirate. Subject my family to piratey things. And act like a 19 year old, which irritates my kids, makes my rogue twerk a brow, and gets me into trouble because my body isn’t 19 anymore. (Buahahaha! I found a way to use the 2013 word twerk.)
“Eye of the beholder, luv.” I adore Jack!
I have to tell you I’m envisioning Captain Jack twerking.
Okay, now for the quickie questions: Answer in three words or less. Ready? Go!
Favorite Disney Character? The Beast
Favorite Fruit? Grapes
Favorite Hero? The Scarlet Pimpernel
Favorite Eye Color?  Green
Best Vacation Destination? Caribbean
Food you can’t stand?  Liver and Onions (Shiver me timbers!)
What annoys you? Lies
Coffee, tea, or something else? Tea or Rum
Nightgown or Jammies? Weapons
Prefer dogs or cats? Big dogs

A bit about Katherine
Katherine Bone lives in the south where she dreams of the power, passion, and persuasion of Rogues, Rebels and Rakes, and the happily ever afters every Alpha male deserves.

The blurb about Duke by Day, Rogue by Night
CONSTANCE DANBURY is desperate to escape a forced marriage to a man nearly twice her age. Her only hope is to board a merchantman bound for Spain and enlist her aunt’s help. But fate intervenes. Constance is captured by a pirate with a wit and stubbornness to match her own, and a secret he’ll do anything to keep.
Nobleman PERCIVAL AVERY is a member of Nelson’s Tea, an elite group assigned to protect England’s shores at any cost. Undercover, and determined to avenge his sister’s death, Percy disguises himself as a pirate to infiltrate the gang of cutthroats responsible. But when his vessel attacks a merchantman, Percy is forced to choose between vengeance and saving the life of his commander’s niece, Constance Danbury, a woman sure to see through his disguise. His only choice is to mutiny, but mutiny obliterates his well-laid plans. Forced to play the fop by day to outwit his enemies, and now an inquisitive wife, Percy will not rest until he succeeds in avenging his sister’s death and wins the greatest prize of all─his wife’s heart.
Here’s how you can contact Katherine
Thanks again, Katherine, for joining me here today!

USA Today Bestselling Author Collette Cameron, Collette Cameron historical romances, Collette Cameron Regency romances, Collette Cameron romance novels, Collette Cameron Scottish historical romance books, Blue Rose Romance, Bestselling historical romance authors, historical romance novels, Regency romance novels, Highlander romance books, Scottish romance novels, romance novel covers, Bestselling romance novels, Bestselling Regency romances, Bestselling Scottish Romances, Bestselling Highlander romances, Victorian Romances, lords and ladies romance novels, Regency England Dukes romance books, aristocrats and royalty, happily ever after novels, love stories, USA Today Bestselling Author Collette Cameron, Collette Cameron historical romances, Collette Cameron Regency romances, Collette Cameron romance novels, Collette Cameron Scottish historical romance books, Blue Rose Romance, Bestselling historical romance authors, historical romance novels, Regency romance novels, Highlander romance books, Scottish romance novels, romance novel covers, Bestselling romance novels, Bestselling Regency romances, Bestselling Scottish Romances, Bestselling Highlander romances, Victorian Romances, lords and ladies romance novels, Regency England Dukes romance books, aristocrats and royalty, happily ever after novels, love stories, wallflowers, rakes and rogues, award-winning books, Award-winning author, historical romance audio books, collettecameron.com, The Regency Rose Newsletter, Sweet-to-Spicy Timeless Romance

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