Today I’m thrilled to have Gina Danna, author of Her Eternal Rogue with me in the Blue Rose Writing Room.

Thanks so much for being here today, Gina.  Why did you decide to write under your own name?

I guess I wanted my work to show my abilities. I guess I’m afraid no one would believe I wrote this if I didn’t use my name.

Your real name has a lovely ring to it. How long have you been writing?

As a Historian – years! As a Historical Fiction/Romance writer? 3 years

And they’ve been productive years too! What’s one thing you absolutely can’t tolerate during your writing?

Noise like the TV or even music – can’t concentrate with that type of noise. Found that out in grad school…One thing you can’t write without? Dictionaries & Thesaurus and well, my library…and more reference books J

What’s the funniest thing anyone has ever said to you about your writing?

Funniest was my Civil War story when all 3 of my crit partners wanted to dumb one of my characters into a pot of boiling oil – all 3 said it in their critiques without knowing anyone else said that. Had me laughing!

Chuckling here. Place you absolutely want to visit before you die?


Me too! Why did you choose to write in this genre?

I’m a Historian by education and career – I love the past. Find it really fascinating.

Another, me too. I love learning about the pasts. Have you ever written any other genre?

This book in a way with the paranormal twist. I did a couple small contemporary erotic romance pieces.

Do you plan on doing so in the future?

Not at this time

As a historian, what historical figure do you wish you could have met?

US Grant – or Robert E Lee

Tell us one unusual, weird, or curious fact you discovered while researching this book.  

The history of vampires – they’ve been around for a long time, really manifesting in Western Europe in the Middle Ages during the Plague.  All the deaths… But there weren’t any rules; no they can’t be out in the sun or that there’s no reflection in a mirror nor burn in a church. Gives wide open reign for me, the writer.

It sure does. It makes me curious about who created the rules. So other than publishing tons more books, what is something you are determined to do?

Go horseback riding. I have a gorgeous horse and can ride him but not with all the confidence I should – had an accident 20 years ago being thrown and almost died so going fast scares me.

Okay, now for the quickie questions: Answer in three words or less. Ready? Go!
Favorite Disney Character? Tigger

Favorite Fruit? Blueberry
Favorite Hero? Spartacus!
Favorite Eye Color? Blue
Best Vacation destination? Beach & ocean!
Food you can’t stand? Sardines
What annoys you? Negativity
Coffee, tea, or something else? COFFEE!!!
Nightgown or Jammies? Nightgown
Prefer dogs or cats? Both – my problem LOL

Learn a little something about Gina
Born in St. Louis, Missouri, Gina has spent the better part of her life reading. History has been her love and she spent numerous hours devouring historical romance stories, dreaming of writing one of her own. Years later, after receiving undergraduate and graduate degrees in History, writing academic research papers and writing for museum programs and events, she finally found the time to write her own stories of historical romantic fiction.

Now, under the supervision of her three dogs and three cats, she writes amid a library of research books, with her only true break away is to spend time with her other life long dream – her Arabian horse – with him, her muse can play.

Here’s the blurb from Her Eternal Rouge
Alexander Barrington flees his tyrannical uncle for the open seas where he becomes a ruthless pirate who turns vampire.

Captured and sentence to hang, a fate he must avoid to keep his vampire self hidden, a reprieve comes if he rescues Lady Lavinia Sinclair from the French pirates and returns her to her fiancé in England.
In this Vampire Diaries meets Pirates of the Caribbean, Alexander falls for the woman who makes him feel human and alive, but can he really have her without exposing what he is – a thief, the undead? The damned?  Refusing to taint her innocence any further, he erases her memory of him and vanishes into the night but can he really exist without her?

Enjoy an excerpt from Her Eternal Rogue.

Lavinia blinked, trying to decipher the pirate’s Scottish brogue. “What will he do with me, sir?”

 “Ach, well.” Ian fidgeted a bit, trying to find the words. “Once we’ve got th’ ship fixed, ye be healin’, we’ll be takin ye tae th’ authorities sae they canna take ye home.” He smiled with gaping yellowed teeth.
 “And that’s it? He’s taking me home? No ransom? Or killing me?”
 Ian looked at her, turning red at the mentioned options. He shook his head. “Nae, ma’am.”
“Then what is this curse of his?” She got up and walked closer to him. “Is it just piracy or worse? What does that mean, curse?”
She could tell Ian didn’t like the questions, as he darted his eyes from her. “Please, lassie, I cannae be talkin’—”
“Why not?” she asked, her anger taking control. “Because I might just wake up dead one morning?”
Ian muttered so softly she couldn’t hear him.
“Is that what you’d think I’d do?” a sultry male voice asked.
Ian moved to let the captain in.
His presence surprised Lavinia. Ian looked at Alexander and quickly exited, leaving her alone with him. As Sword entered the room, she backed herself up till she hit the chair, schooling her thoughts to dampen her fear…or was it excitement? His voice was low, almost seductive, and his smile overwhelmed her senses. He stood before her, almost glowing, touched by the sun, too much for her not to notice the paleness she had seen earlier gone.
“As to what I’ll be doin’ with you,” he said. “I’ll be returnin’ you to the British.” He leaned toward her, still with a cocky smile on his face and traced a callused finger along her jaw line to her chin. She felt the rough ridges of his touch but didn’t flinch. “Though, I maybe keepin’ you for a bit, teach the way to please me…
That broke the spell he had over her. She pulled her chin away from his touch. “No! I need to get home!”
He continued to stare straight at her, but his eyes gave nothing away. She had no hint of his thoughts, but the seductive smile didn’t dissipate. “Is that what you want?”
She gulped. “Yes,” she said quickly and scrambled out of the chair and behind it, using it as a shield against him. “I need to get home. I’m to be married in three months!”
He looked at her, the smile widening. Stepping around the chair, he reached for her but she dipped under his hand. “To whom?” He raised an eyebrow at her antics, and amusement danced in his eyes as he moved the chair out of his way and pulled her closer to him.
Lavinia stared at him, aghast at what he might do to her. It took a moment for his question to register, and she couldn’t figure out why she had to answer. “My betrothed is a close to His Highness,” she replied, her voice quavering.
“Ah, he be one o’ those English dandies?” He laughed. “Heaven forbid I deprive you of that!” He quieted. “I could keep you with me an’ show you the world…” He edged closer to her, though he didn’t touch her. Too close. She breathed deep. . “Make you question your proper upbringin’.”
She cringed. Promise and compromise. “You’d keep me as your mistress and leave me with your bastards? A pirate? A thief and murderer?” she spat the accusation at him with what little muster she could.
His smile disappeared, along with every trace of amusement in his eyes, and his voice turned cold. “You’re more than right, but you missed one. I’ll no doubt burn in hell too.”

Here’s how you can contact Gina
http://ginadnna.comand @GinaDanna1


Buy Links for Her Eternal Rogue:

Thanks again, Gina, for joining me here today.
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