Five-Line Friday-This is Love!

Five-Line Friday-This is Love!

Where authors and readers meet to share and read romance novel snippets!  

Five-Line Friday RULES

  1. Five lines of your current work in progress, new release, soon-to-be-released … whatever.  (Do keep it as close to five sentences as you can.)
  2. You are welcome to post buy links too.
  3. PG (I don’t have a warning on my blog about content, so it has to be appropriate for all I will delete comments that aren’t appropriate or offensive to some audiences. (Sorry.)

I will also delete posts that are significantly over five lines. These are meant to be tantalizing snippets.

This week, if you’d like, share the snippet when your hero and heroine confess their love.

My Excerpt is from Heartbreak and Honor which releases next week!!

“Promise you’ll have no regrets?” Biting her lower lip, she trailed a finger across the seam of his mouth.

Raining feather-light kisses over her face and alabaster neck, he pulled her tight against him. “Not now, or in a month, or a decade, or fifty years.”

“Not if a half-century passes, and I’ve grown fat and wrinkled? And toothless and bald?” Alexa skimmed her fingertips across his forehead before sliding her hand into the hair above his ear.

He chuckled as he palmed her cheek, his nose touching hers. “Not if time ceases.”

“What if I prove a bumbling, inadequate duchess?”

Rubbing his thumb along her fine jawbone, he whispered fervently, “None of those things matters a whit. Having you at my side until I draw my final breath is what I care about.”


I’m sure I’m going to do a lot of sighing this week!


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