Dear Readers, Friday can’t come around fast enough for me anymore. 

No, not because the weekend is almost here, but because I know I’m going to get to read some more fantastic romance snippets!  

The rules are simple: 
  • Five lines of your current work in progress, new release, soon-to-be-released…whatever. (Do keep it as close to five lines as you can.)
  • You are welcome to post buy links too. 
  • PG please. (I don’t have a warning on my blog about content, so it has to be appropriate for all viewers. I will delete comments that aren’t appropriate or offensive to some audiences. Sorry.
Once again, my offering for this week is from The Earl’s Enticement(May 2014). In this scene Roark has hauled Adaira into the Craiglocky’s great hall. He’s just been released from the dungeon . 
Adaira gave a tentative tug on the arm he had wrapped in his grasp. She slanted him a hesitant glance. Face flushed, her eyes, the pupils dilated and black as coal, were wide and anxious. Her sable hair, an unruly mass, hung to her waist. Her rumpled shirt was untucked, the top gaping open.
Now you give it a try! 
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