I’m thrilled to have Ian, the Viscount Warrick and his lovely wife, Vangie, the hero and heroine from The Viscount’s Vow with me to day.

Thank you so much, Ian and Vangie, for accepting my invitation to the Blue Rose Writing Room.  I know that many of your fans have questions for you.  I’ve jotted a few of them down.

Before we begin,  would either of care  for refreshments? Tea, ratafia, or some of these lovely pastries?

Excuse us while I quickly pour our guest some tea and offer them some refreshment.
Okay, I think  we’re ready to start. Just let me finish this shortbread cookie.  Never could resist those darn things.

All right then. Let’s get on with it.

BRWR: Can you please tell us how you met?

Vangie: It was at the Armstrong’s Ball.  We had just been introduced, and Ian asked me to dance. I was so grateful to be spared Lord Pickering’s unwanted attention, I eagerly agreed, though Ian was looking a bit fierce.

Ian: Fierce? I don’t think I was fierce.  Remember, Sweeting, I’d just lost my brother and father.

Vangie: Ian, you reminded me of a panther.  If you’d had a tail, it would have been lashing back and forth you were so agitated.

BRWR: So you met at a ball. Was it love at first sight?

Ian: Oh, I was entranced from the moment I set my eyes upon her, but it wasn’t love.  At that time, I thought she was responsible for my brother’s and father’s deaths.  There was something about Vangie though that stirred me in a way I’d never experienced before.

Vangie: Ian made me nervous. He was so stern,  but when  became ill during our dance, he was such a gentleman; helping me off the dance floor, then caring for me when I fainted.

BRWR: Yes, I recall the fainting incident caused quite a stir.

Ian: Sighing, and running a hand through his hair. Not by best moment. She was struggling to breathe,  but I should never have been alone in the ladies’ retiring room with her.

Vangie: I don’t recall what happened, but I do know several of the ton’speereses were only too eager to defame me.  They disdain my Romani heritage.

BRWR: But you’re a Romani, a gypsy princess and the daughter of a baronet!

Vangie: True, but the haut ton isn’t known for being inclusive.

BRWR: What was the most difficult thing for you to overcome in your relationship?

Ian: I was a fool. I listened to gossip about Vangie instead of uncovering the truth myself. It nearly cost me my wife.  Not only did I have to earn her trust and forgiveness, I  had to forgive myself for being an arrogant ass.

BRWR: Vangie, how about you?

Vangie: I forgave Ian for the misconceptions about me when we were first married. (She shrugs here.) He made a mistake, as do we all. But when learned we might not truly be married, that he had deceived me in that, my heart broke.  I wanted nothing more to do with the English so I ran away to my gypsy clan.

Ian: Yes, I had much to atone for. (He takes her hand and looks into her eyes.)

BRWR: Vangie, can you tell us one thing about Ian that no one else knows?

Vangie: He adores peach pie-no actually, it’s the crust he adores.   

BRWR: Something about Vangie, Ian?

Ian: She wears a dagger strapped to  her thigh.  Oh, wait you know that.  She’s quite fond of strawberries.  (He waggles his eyebrows here.)

BRWR: Laughing, I’m not sure I want to know anymore. When did you know you loved each other?

Ian: When we were attached by highwaymen, and she saved my life.

Vangie:   At Somersfield, when he returned from chasing his wayward sister. He was so charming. How could I resist?

BRWR: So, what’s next for you?

Ian: I’ll continue building a superb line of horseflesh. I quite enjoyed my time in the Romani camp and am petitioning the House of Lords to guarantee them some rights. 

Vangie: Oh, I do want to pursue my painting, and we’ve a trip planned to Scotland to visit Ewan and Yvette.  (She glances at Ian.) The last we’d heard, Adaira, she’s Ewan’s sister, had gotten herself into a bit of mischief.

Ian: Chuckling. A bit? She locked the Earl of Clarendon in the dungeon for three days.

BRWR: Thank you so much for visiting today. Is there anything else you’d like to say?

Vangie:  Mi del o Del bacht sasťipen: May God give you happiness and good health.

BRWR:  And to you as well.
So, there you have it. You know a bit more about  Lady and Lord Warrick. Their story will be available from Amazon on September 4, 2013. 
To celebrate, I’m having a release party and someone’s going to win a Kindle. The best way to stay abreast of the giveaways is to follow my blog.

One lucky commenter today will win a copy of Highlander’s Hope, the sequel to The Viscount’s  Vow. That’s Ewan and Yvette’s story.

Leave your email in the comments so I can contact you.

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