Today I’m thrilled to have Alanna Lucas author of Once Upon a Montana Christmas with me in the Blue Rose Writing Room.
What’s the funniest thing anyone has ever said to you about your writing? Or the unkindest? Or the oddest?
It would have to be from my Oma (grandmother)- she told me there was not enough sex in my story, and then proceeded to let me borrow some of her favorite romance novels. I now know the secret to my grandparents happy and loving 62 years of marriage.
Oh my! My auntie thought mine were to steamy and they are barely sensual.
Place you absolutely want to visit before you die?
I would love to see the Northern Lights. (mumbling) years ago, my family and I took a cruise to Alaska. I was hoping to catch a glimpse, but it stormed the whole time and I got seasick.  
Ugh. Hubby wants to take an Alaskan cruise.  I’m not sure I want to.

What historical figure do you wish you could have met?
Michelangelo is one of my favorite artists. Conversation would be optional; I would love to just watch him create his masterpieces. I love the emotion that his sculptures exude. One of my favorites is David.
Are any of the characters in your novel based on real people from your life? Most of my characters are loosely based on people in my life or of my acquaintance.  In Once Upon A Montana Christmas the hero’s aunt, Aunt Carol, is based on a dear friend, Carol, who lives in Montana. On my first visit to Montana, Carol proudly showed off her state. We spent a wonderful afternoon at the Grant-Kohrs Ranch in Deer Lodge, which inspired the setting for my story.
What are you most proud of about your writing?
With each class that I take, each manuscript I complete, I see the growth and improvement in my writing.
How do you respond to negative reviews?
I try not to let negative reviews get me down; everyone is entitled to their opinion. I do, however, get quite upset when people are just mean. There is no reason to be hurtful.
Not everyone is going to love what you write. The most important thing for me is to accept the constructive criticism and learn from it, and disregard negativity.
What are you most afraid of?
Trolls under the bridge. Let’s just leave it at that- I want to sleep tonight!
Tell us something unusual, quirky, or odd about yourself?
Besides the fact that I like to vacuum?
When I am frustrated, I like to rearrange furniture. No, not just rearrange, I pull out the portable drafting table and create scaled floor plans. Time of day does not matter, once I get an idea…watch out! I have even been known to rearrange furniture in the middle of the night.
Chuckling here.
Okay, now for the quickie questions: Answer in three words or less. Ready? Go!
Favorite Disney Character?  Archimedes (Sword and the Stone)
Favorite Fruit?  Gala Apples
Favorite Hero?  Mr. Darcy
Favorite Eye Color?  Green
Best Vacation destination?  Europe
Food you can’t stand?  Chutney
What annoys you? Traffic
Coffee, tea, or something else?  Coffee, tea, wine
Nightgown or Jammies?  Jammies
Prefer dogs or cats? Dogs

A bit about Alanna
Alanna Lucas grew up in Southern California.  From an early age, she took an interest in travel, incorporating those experiences into her writing.  When she is not daydreaming of her next travel destination Alanna can be found researching, spending time with family, or going for long walks.  Alanna Lucas is a member of the Romance Writers of America, East Valley Authors, The Beau Monde, and Celtic Hearts Romance Writers. 

Once Upon A Montana Christmas

         Miss Eva Kenward does not want to spend another Christmas alone. Leaving Queen Victoria’s England, she journeys to America in search of an uncle but finds herself on the rugged frontier of Montana. And with no money and no acquaintances, the rudest man she has ever met is the one she must engage. Especially considering the precious bundle in her arms.

        “Hunt” Strauss has been fooled before by beauty. So when the ravishing young woman arrives on his doorstep, he suspects her of ulterior motives. But perhaps the baby she holds truly is his kin…and when Miss Kenward finds herself stranded after a hotel fire, he reluctantly agrees to help. Bringing her to his sprawling ranch, Hunt tries to keep his distance. But the enticing woman and her enthusiasm for the season soon prove that fairy tale love stories—and holiday wishes—really can come true.      
Enjoy an excerpt from Once Upon A Montana Christmas
         “Oh! It’s here!” Eva heard Aunt Carol bellow from downstairs. She gathered Lily in her arms and went down to see what all the fuss was about.
         Eva arrived downstairs just in time to see Hunt and Mr. Walker carry a large crate into the house and place it beside another.
         Aunt Carol’s face was bright with excitement. “Oh, dearie, you are just in time.”
         “Just in time for what?” Eva said as she edged closer to the crate.
         “Christmas decorations, tinsel, and treats from my brother in Germany!”      
         As Aunt Carol explained about the contents of the crates, Hunt and Mr. Walker pried them open, revealing wrapped packages and tins full of fragrant spices.
         Eva sat down on the floor with a very curious Lily on her lap. When she opened a tin with the embossment of a German landscape, the scent of cloves filled the air. The next package Eva pulled contained a smooth wood block engraving of a Christmas tree. “This is beautiful,” she said as she admired the engraving.
         Eva was surprised when Hunt began to explain the significance of the wood engraving. “It’s a cookie mold. We use the molds to make decorative Lebkuchen, a type of spiced cookie, and ornaments for the Christmas tree. It has been a tradition in my family for many generations. My Oma taught my siblings and I how to make them.”
         She could hear the pride in his voice. Despite his tough exterior, underneath it all was a sensitive man. Not for the first time, Eva wondered what had hardened him.
         “Did you have any family traditions, dearie?”
Eva did not know how to answer that question without raising sympathy from Aunt Carol. Her family was not close and they would never dream of sitting on the floor, rummaging through crates. She could hear her stepmother now: “That is why we have servants. Let them get their hands dirty.” Looking away, she shook her head without a word, and continued on with unpacking their traditions, wishing desperately she had some of her own.
Contact Alanna
Thanks again, Alanna for joining me here today.
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