Ten Must Haves When Writing | COLLETTE CAMERON
Yes, I’m reblogging today so I can spend some quality time with the family over Christmas. 

Ten Must Haves When Writing 2
Ten things? Only ten you say?

Let me preface this post with a disclaimer. These are things I think are important. You might not. Though how anybody writes without a beverage of choice nearby, is beyond me. But, to each his own.  By-the-way, that was not the first thing.

From personal experience, because I didn’t have them with my first book, critique partners and beta readers are fundamental for every writer at every stage of your writing. I’m convinced I’d have had much less rewriting with my first novel had I had critique partners.

A writing schedule is important too. How many hours a day or days a week can you commit to writing? And, do you make sure to get that word count in before  tootling over to Facebook or Twitter, which brings up my fourth thing; a time limit for marketing and social  media. Both will suck you dry, and what you really want to be doing is writing.
Though Pinterest is so much fun…

Okay, let’s switch to practical for a few minutes. A good chair. I’m only saying that because I’ve been sitting too long today and my tushy is getting sore. I know some of you write curled up on the couch or in an armchair or on the floor, but this gal needs her desk and computer which means an office chair. Oops, just slipped in a couple more and you didn’t even notice.

Sly, huh? *Wink*

Ten Must Haves When Writing 3
In my case, I need good blinds I can close because my writing desk is right in front of a window.  I have a fabulous view of my backyard, and I love watching the bird visiting my feeders, but the window faces west which means afternoon sun. And…my neighbor parades around naked in front of his upstairs windows all hours of the day.  Let’s just say, he does not inspire me to write romance, so, whoosh down goes the blind. 

Ten Must Haves When Writing 4
What am I up to? Seven?

I need sticky notes. At any given time, there are several plastered on the edges of my computer screen— I only have eight up  right now. That’s a slow day for me. I jot notes to myself constantly while writing. I have my writing Bible, character questionnaires and several references books within arm’s reach too. My favorite is The 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue.

Shoot, I just went over the allotted ten.  Well, I’ll count critique partners and beta readers as one, so I’m good.  

Just out of curiosity, what can’t you write without?

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