So, after judging a few more contests and communicating back and forth between critique partners and editors, I decided it might be helpful to share some of the things I’ve learned since becoming a published author. 

I’ve started a Saturday feature of short blips focusing on one writing point. 

I may not make it every Saturday,  and the point may or may not be seven sentences, but I’ll give it my best shot. 

Here is today’s tip: Dialogue Tags

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  • Use dialogue tags sparingly. 
  • Editors and publishers prefer the tag said, because the word is practically invisible to readers.   
  • Said doesn’t pull readers out of the story the way tags like, screeched, yelled, bellowed, grunted and so on do. 
  • Make sure your tags are something humans actually do. (No barking, growling, etc.) 
  • Avoid tags whenever possible, though at times they are essential. 
  • You can almost always add an action and eliminate a tag. 
  • Giggled, laughed, sighed, prayed, etc. are not dialogue tags; they are actions. 

Now before you get your knickers in twist, remember there are always exceptions.  These are suggestions, not absolute rules. 
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