Do you like to read romance novels? Wouldn’t you like to know more about your favorite authors? Well you came to the right place! Join the writers of Romance Weekly as we go behind the scenes of our books and tell all….. About our writing of course! Every week we’ll answer questions and after you’ve enjoyed the blog on this site we’ll direct you to another. So come back often for a thrilling ride!

This week’s tantalizing questions come from the lovely Fiona Riplee.  I hope you are enjoying getting to know all the authors of Romance Writers’ Weekly just a smidgen better. I hope to trotted over from Xio’s blog. 

This first question has me grinning. 

1. Does humor help or hinder you in your creative process?

Snorting here. Me humor?

That’s a most definite help with the process. I can’t seem to keep humor out of my books, so I stopped trying. Even when I was told humor wouldn’t work for historicals, especially Regencies. 

Seems to be doing just fine in mine, thank you very much.  
2.What is a favorite go-to book or movie you use to unblock a problem in your writing?
I don’t have one.

I always have a to-do list  for around the house and yard. If I find myself needing to solve a plot issue, I usually start puttering around getting things done and let my mind rest for a spell. Inevitably the answer comes to me. 

For instance, I’ve been trying to come up with a new series idea that’s completely unrelated to my other two series. My mind has been working on that notion, sort of in the background, for a few days, and while I was making my bed this morning . . . Bam. There it was. 

3.What’s the most inspiring book you’ve read this week or month that’s generated a new idea?

Hmm, I generally try to steer clear of books that I think will directly influence my writing, and I also try not to copy ideas. Yes, I know everything has been done before, so if I come across an idea I like, I might ruminate on it a bit and figure out how I can make it mine. 

I did just finish Always Proper, Suddenly Scandalous by Christi Caldwell. She used some Regency expressions that tickled me. 

That’s all there is about me this week. I’m curious to see what my good friend Christy Carlyle has to say. 

Images courtesy of Wikimedia Commons and Christi Caldwell. 
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