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Mine-Muse Monday The Lore of Libraries
I suppose it’s not unusual that so many books I read include references to libraries or characters who love to read. I’ve done the same in my books time and again.
How could I not?
I’m an author who haunted my local small-town library from the time I was old enough to ride my bike the few blocks to the insignificant building, now turned surf shop.
Photo courtesy of Wiki Commons
I’ve devoted an entire Pinterest board to “Bookish Things that Dazzle” and you can bet your bippie, there’s image after image of awe-inspiring libraries pinned there.
I love beautiful old, ornate libraries, and both the author and the former teacher in me worries just a bit that libraries aren’t valued like they once were. Let’s face it. Nowadays, we can carry an entire library on our choice of electronic device.
There’s something about the smell of libraries (and used bookstores too!) that appeals to me. Perhaps it’s because I always wonder about the people who read the books before me. I’ve seen several articles in the past few years of libraries losing funding and being forced to close, or even of libraries being abandoned and the books left to rot.
Thank goodness I write historicals, and I can plop my hero or heroine into a manor library or bookseller like The Temple of the Muses.
Photo courtesy of Wiki Commons
Wouldn’t a tour of historical libraries be awesome? I’m envisioning manor houses , castle, and famous European locations!
I wonder, do you venture to your local library much anymore? I admit, I don’t except when I have another one of my books in print to donate.
I need to go to the library today to get a book for my son’s book report.
I don’t get to the library enough! I’ve always wanted to have a two story library with a ladder that moved from one side of the room to the other. Sigh. It’s good to dream.
Denise, I remember going to the library for research and to get my kids books too. Now, most the time, students just look things up on-line.
Belle, I’ve always wanted a library like that too!
I’m at the library right now. I don’t own a computer so I go to the library a lot to use the Internet. Unfortunately, sometimes it’s hard to get a computer as the kids are here after school. I also enjoy checking out books, the latest DVD’s, and sometimes audiobooks on Playaway or CD. I’d love a big home library. I have books all over. I don’t know about the two story library, but I could have a bonus room or basement with bookcases all around. I think I’d need extra bookcases like the library or bookstore has (double-sided) that I could put in the middle of the room. I have tons of books. If I ever win the lottery, I’ll get that dream library.