Five-Line Friday! Getting Ready for Valentine's Day

Five-Line Friday! Getting Ready for Valentine’s Day

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Five-Line Friday RULES

  1. Five lines of your current work in progress, new release, soon-to-be-released … whatever.  (Do keep it as close to five sentencesas you can.)
  2. You are welcome to post buy links too.
  3. PG (I don’t have a warning on my blog about content, so it has to be appropriate for all I will delete comments that aren’t appropriate or offensive to some audiences. (Sorry.)

Gosh, trying to decide which book to post an excerpt from today created a dilemma. I finally decided to go with  line from HEART OF A HIGHLANDER, since it’s free through Valentine’s Day.


“Ye ken what Scottish folklore says about finding a glove on the road on Valentine’s Day?”

Grinning, Giselle jumped and snatched it from his hand. “Non, but I’m sure you’re going to enlighten me.”

“Aye, lass. When ye find a glove on the road on Valentine’s Day, yer beloved will have the other.”

Her gorgeous eyes rounded for an instant before she chuckled, the sound unusually low and husky for a woman.

“You Scots have a tradition for everything, don’t you?”


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