by Collette Cameron | Dec 12, 2013 | Giveaway, Romance
I’m so privileged to have Maggi Anderson, author of, Taming a Gentleman Spy-The Spies of Mayfair Book #2 visiting The Blue Rose Writing Room today. Maggi will award a $50 Amazon GC plus an e-book copy of A Baron in Her Bed – The Spies of Mayfair, Book #1 to...
by Collette Cameron | Dec 9, 2013 | Giveaway, Guest Post
The Kissing BoughIn the Regency period, Christmas decorations didn’t go up until Christmas Eve, and they stayed up only until Twelfth Day (January 6 or Epiphany), when they were burned in the fireplace. According to superstition, it was bad luck to keep them up any...
by Collette Cameron | Dec 5, 2013 | Giveaway
How did you like the alliteration in that title? The teacher in me loves alliteration. Just look at my pen name: Collette Cameron. Anyhow, there are three things I wanted to touch on today. First is the Thursday Threads post which you’ll find...
by Collette Cameron | Nov 12, 2013 | Collette Cameron, Giveaway, Interview
I’m featured over at RomCon today. And, yes, there’s a book giveaway!’s Hope is currently in the top 100 on two of Amazon’s book lists, and the cover is a...
by Collette Cameron | Nov 8, 2013 | Giveaway, Gypsy, Historical Romance, Regency, The Viscount's Vow
A sprint to the finish! Along the way, The Viscount’s Vow picked up reviews ranging from 3-stars to 5-stars. Between Amazon and Goodreads, The Viscount’s Vow has close to ninety reviews/rankings. It’s always interesting to see what others think,...
by Collette Cameron | Nov 7, 2013 | Giveaway, Gypsy, Historical Romance, Regency, The Viscount's Vow
Only one more stop after today. This is the longest blog tour I’ve ever done, and I’m tired. I do have another starting in a few weeks, but at least I’ll have a chance to recoup! Journey With Books. Stop by and say...