Today, I’m thrilled to have Bronwen Evans, author of A Kiss of Lies, book#1 in her Disgraced Lords series, with me in the Blue Rose Writing Room.
Welcome Bronwen!
So, do you use a pen name/pseudo name? If so, why. If not, why did you decide to write under your own name?
I write under my name because I’m proud of what I do. I love writing and reading romance, and I don’t care who knows. I have held senior roles in business and I have never cared that anyone knew what I used to do in my spare time. Now that I’m making it a career, I’m even more vocal about what I do. I can’t tell you the number of my friends who snubbed romance until I started writing. Now they read it and enjoy it. We need to show everyone that there is nothing more entertaining than a really great romance.
Can you tell us how long you have been writing?
I gave up a successful full time executive role to write in 2009. I’m now thinking of writing full time but I love my 2 days a week other job. Maybe in 2015 I’ll write full time.
What’s one thing you absolutely can’t tolerate during your writing? One thing you can’t write without?
I can’t write with noise. My critique partner has to play music. I need absolute silence.
I have a bad neck and back, and sitting at my computer for long periods was killing my ability to write. The headaches were debilitating. So I invested in two things–a lap desk and a Dictaphone. The lap desk allows me to sit in my lazy boy chair with my laptop, which is much easier on my neck and back.  I can write for longer periods of time. The Dictaphone allows me to talk my story when I want a break from typing. I give it to a secretary to type up for me.
I have to have quiet too.


What’s the funniest thing anyone has ever said to you about your writing? Or the unkindest? Or the oddest?
My mother is an avid reader, but again had never read romance until I published my first book. Mum loved her literary reads. She’s now an avid historical romance reader and often finds books and new authors for me to read. Since I’ve been writing, she’s become my biggest fan with words such as, “Those NY Times writers are no better than you. You tell a really good story.” That’s high praise from my mum.
What a wonderful mother!
What historical figure do you wish you could have met?
I love Oscar Wilde. I would have loved to be able to sit in his parlor and listen to his quips. Or alternatively, write a play with him. I love his wit and self-effacing humor. The man was brilliant. He was the most entertaining writers of his time, and probably today as well.
How do you respond to negative reviews?
I try to ignore them because I realize not everyone is going to love your story, characters or voice. However, they do hurt because it’s a lot of hard work writing a book. The one thing I don’t respect more than like, are those who make themselves look good by ridiculing an author. Or those readers who only leave negative reviews.
I agree!  
What are you most afraid of?
Flying – I hate it and only do it when I have to. Unfortunately, living in New Zealand means you have to fly to get anywhere in the world.  I’m going to New Orleans in May for the RT Readers’ Convention!
Flying is not my favorite past-time either. I’m not going to RT this year, but I will be at Nationals in July. 

Do you have a favorite quote?
Men always want to be a woman’s first love—women like to be a man’s last romance.
Oscar Wilde
Tell us something unusual, quirky, or odd about yourself.
Lately I have been having trouble sleeping and find I can only fall asleep if The Big Bang Theory is playing. I set up several programs to screen, set my TV to switch of fin 60mins and I’m usually asleep by the first ad break.
Okay, now for the quickie questions: Answer in three words or less. Ready? Go!
Favorite Disney Character? Pluto
Favorite Fruit? Banana
Favorite Eye Color? Emerald green
Best Vacation Destination? Southern Italy
Food you can’t stand? Tripe
What annoys you? Intolerance
Coffee, tea, or something else? TEA
Nightgown or Jammies? Nightie
Prefer dogs or cats? Dog

A bit about Bronwen
Best-selling author Bronwen Evans grew up loving books. She has always indulged her love of storytelling and is constantly gobbling up movies, books, and theater. Is it any wonder she’s a proud romance writer? Evans is a two-time winner of the RomCon Readers’ Crown and has been nominated for an RT Reviewers’ Choice Award. She lives in Wellington, New Zealand.

Bronwen loves hearing from avid romance readers at [email protected]
You can keep up with Bronwen’s news by visiting her website
The blurb about A Kiss of Lies
In Bronwen Evans’s Loveswept debut, a pair of damaged souls ignite each other’s deepest passions—even as they tempt fate by deceiving the world.
Desperate to escape her abusive past, Sarah Cooper disguises herself as a governess in the employ of Christian Trent, Earl of Markham, the man who, long ago, she fantasized about marrying. Despite the battle scars that mar his face, Sarah finds being near Christian rekindles her infatuation. A governess, however, has no business in the arms of an earl, and as she accompanies Christian on his voyage home, Sarah must resist her intense desires—or risk revealing her dangerous secrets.
One of the renowned Libertine Scholars, Christian Trent once enjoyed the company of any woman he chose. But that was before the horrors of Waterloo, his wrongful conviction of a hideous crime, and his forcible removal from England. Far from home and the resources he once had, Christian believes the life he knew–and any chance of happiness–is over … until his ward’s governess sparks his heart back to life, and makes him remember the man he used to be. Now Christian is determined to return to England, regain his honor, and win the heart of the woman he has come to love.
Enjoy an excerpt from A Kiss of Lies
With nervous fingers, Sarah plucked at the sleeve of her dress. This flirtation had to stop. She was not a coward and she wasn’t afraid to admit to herself that Christian attracted her greatly—indeed, too much. Each time she saw him, conversed with him, he became more enticing in her eyes. It would be easy to forget who she was, and that a relationship of any kind with him could not only put her life in jeopardy but destroy his.
Sarah decided it was time to stop this nonsense of a dream and get back to reality. To change the subject she asked, “I saw you up on deck this afternoon. Is the sword practice to keep you from boredom or does it have a more sinister purpose?”
Christian lowered himself into his chair with a gruff sigh. He narrowed his eyes and pointed a finger at her. “Coward!”
“Spoken truly like an arrogant man who risks nothing by indulging in—in whatever he desires.”
“What is it you think you will risk? I’ve already promised you security for life regardless of what occurs between us. Yet you readily dismiss this scorching attraction between us.” He smiled inwardly as he saw her eyes widen at his direct approach.
“I see we are no longer hiding behind insinuations,” she replied. “Very well. I too shall be direct.” She raised her eyes to his. “I will never be your mistress. I’ve been owned by a man before, and I shall never put myself in that situation again.”
His mind balked at the mental image she had just conjured up. “Owned? I don’t understand.”
She shook her head in exasperation. “My husband. To him I was nothing but a piece of property.” Her voice appeared calm and rational, yet she still made no sense to him.
Incomprehension colored his words. “You were his wife. How is that anything like a kept mistress?”
She gazed out of the cabin windows, sadness dimming the sparkle in her eyes. “You’re a man of title and wealth and privilege. Yet you were also an officer in the army. I suspect all your life you have issued commands and they have been followed.”
He nodded. “But in the army I had to follow orders too. I did not always agree with every command given to me, but I had no choice but to follow them.”
“What if your whole life was like that? A life of nothing but orders and commands? A life where you had no choice but to acquiesce?”
He shifted uncomfortably in his chair. “I wouldn’t like it at all.” He paused, knowing now where this was heading. Obviously her husband had been a dictator. “I hope that I’m sensitive enough not to impose my will on others unless I have a very good reason.”
Sarah took a sip of brandy, her pursed lips forming a perfect pout. As he noticed this, heat crept around his groin area, making him very aware of a specific request that one never expected a wife to agree to—but a mistress, yes.
She raised a delicately shaped eyebrow and said, “Reason? My husband and I did not agree on the definition of a ‘very good reason.’ He did not take anyone but himself into account because he didn’t have to. Everyone and everything around him he considered his property—including me.” Her eyes welled up. “My husband’s word was law. I can’t live like that again.” She gulped back her tears. “I won’t.”
Here’s how you can contact Bronwen
Email: [email protected]
Thanks again, Bronwen. for joining me here today!
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