I’m just delighted to have Ally Broadfield, author of Just A Kiss, in the Blue Rose Writing Room today! 

Welcome Ally!  Thanks for joining me for an author spotlight today. 

Do you use a pen name/pseudo name? If so, why. If not, why did you decide to write under your own name?
I write under a variation of my real name, Alysia Broadfield. I kept my last name, but shortened my first name to Ally so it would be easier to spell and pronounce. I just wish I had thought to do that sometime around sixth grade!
I love that!
Tell us, how long have you been writing?
About seven years. I started dabbling in 2007, and began writing with the goal of publication in 2010.
What’s one thing you absolutely can’t tolerate during your writing? One thing you can’t write without?
I have three kids and five dogs, so I can tune out almost anything. I do have trouble writing when our kitten falls asleep on my keyboard. I don’t like to write without my Oxford English Dictionary open on my laptop so I can look up words and make sure they were in use during the time period in which I’m writing.
I had a dachshund puppy on my keyboard for about a year.
What’s the funniest thing anyone has ever said to you about your writing? Or the unkindest? Or the oddest?
A beta reader once told me my writing made her hungry, but there wasn’t a single mention of food in the manuscript.
Place you absolutely want to visit before you die?
Costa Rica to see the rainforests.
Why did you choose to write in this genre? Have you ever written any other genre? Do you plan on doing so in the future?
I started out writing a paranormal young adult romance. When I realized that manuscript was beyond salvaging, I decided to enter a Jane Austen inspired short story contest, and I found my calling. I studied Russian history in college, and I’d love to branch out and write some stories set in St. Petersburg, but for now I plan to stick with historical romance.
What historical figure do you wish you could have met?
Catherine the Great. She was an amazing woman and I’d love to find out if any of the wacky rumors about her are true.
Now, I’m curious!
What’s one new thing you’d like to try?
I’ve always wanted to go sky diving, but I’m going to wait until my children are all out of the house before I do anything risky.
You’re much braver than me. I’m terrified of anything like skydiving or  hand gliding.
What are you most afraid of?
Not trying.
Okay, now for the quickie questions: Answer in three words or less. Ready? Go!
Favorite Disney Character? Crush from Finding Nemo
Favorite Fruit?Strawberries
Favorite Hero? Wesley from the Princess Bride
Favorite Eye Color? Green
Best Vacation destination?St. Petersburg, Russia
Food you can’t stand?cilantro
What annoys you? My husband’s whistling (he’s tone deaf).
Coffee, tea, or something else? Coffee to wake me up in the morning, then tea for the rest of the day.
Nightgown or Jammies?Jammies
Prefer dogs or cats? I love both, but if I could only have one, it would be a dog.
A bit about Ally
Ally Broadfield has worked as a horse trainer, receptionist, director of marketing and development, and a children’s librarian, among other things. None of them were as awesome as writing romance novels (though the librarian gig came closest). She lives in Dallas, TX, and firmly believes that her house is shrinking, possibly because she shares it with three kids, five dogs, two cats, a rabbit, and assorted reptiles. Oh, and her husband.
She likes to curse in Russian because very few people know what she’s saying, and spends most of what would be her spare time letting the dogs in and out of the house and shuttling kids to and from activities. Ally has many stories in her head looking for an opportunity to escape onto paper. She writes historical romance and middle grade/young adult historical fantasy. Her first book, Just a Kiss, is coming from Entangled Publishing in December.
Here’s how you can contact Ally
Thanks again, Ally, for joining me here today.

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