One year ago today, January 16, 2013, I launched and my blog, Blue Rose Romance both designed by Gilded Heart Design. I had no idea what I was doing, but knew if I wanted to “make” it as an author, I should at least give this stuff a try.
The year held a lot of firsts for me, aside from my blog and website. I did the whole Facebook, Twitter, and other social media thing. Oh my gosh, I met so many incredible people, and for someone like me, who’s basically an introvert, the warmth and support of these “strangers” has been so encouraging.
I converted one of my son’s rooms into a shabby chic writing room, so I could concentrate on my writing, and I drastically cut back on my substitute teaching.
I also finished my fourth book, Triumph and Treasure, Book 1 in the Highland Heather Romancing a Scot Series.
Highlander’s Hope’s cover was named a finalist in the 2013 AuthorsdB cover contest–I’m still waiting for the results, and The Viscount’s Vow was the Sneak Peek Contest’s reader judged 2013 Must Read Historical. My blog took off like a dried tinder in the desert, with over 54,000 hits; I’m completely awed.
But, here’s the deal…I could not have done any of this without a whole slew of others, and that’s what today’s post is really about; THANKING AND APPRECIATION EVERYONE WHO SUPPORTS AUTHORS.
So, I want to send out virtual hugs and kisses to my hubby, daughter, two very special aunties, my dearest friend for 24 years, my web designer, virtual assistant, author assistant, critique partners and beta readers (I so love you ladies!) the talented and generous fellow writers and authors at Rose City Romance Writers, as well as the authors from Soul Mate Publishing who have always come along side me. You know who you are!
I’d be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge and thank the blog hosts that have had me as a guests, reviewers, professional and otherwise, the readers who took at chance and bought my books, resulting in me qualifying for the Professional Author Network branch of Romance Writers of America within two months of my debut novel releasing. What an amazing and humbling honor.
Finally, I cannot forget to thank my Lord, who prompted me to start this journey while sitting in church one Sunday. I argued; He won. I take no credit for the gift He’s given me, but am profoundly grateful He has chosen to use and bless me as an author.