The story even has a small connection to the real Downton Abbey. In my novel, the hero’s best friend Nate tries to convince Gil to give up his school teaching job to pursue archeology. He tells Gil that one day someone will discover something thrilling, like a pharaoh’s wealth-filled tomb and that archaeology will capture the public’s imagination.
(1) In what state and on what waters are the following: Chicago, Duluth,
Cleveland and Buffalo. State an important fact about each city.
(2) Who is building the Panama Canal? Where is it?
(3) What causes the change from day to night? From summer to winter?
(4) Name 5 republics and 3 monarchies.
(5) Write a sentence with the verb in active voice; change to passive voice.
(6) Write a model business letter of not more than 40 words.
(7) What is the length of a rectangular field 80 rods wide that contains
100 acres?
(8) A wagon is 10 feet long, three feet wide and 28 inches deep: how many
bushels of wheat will it hold?
(9) Define arteries, veins, capillaries and pulse.
(10) Write a brief biography of Evangeline.
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