Drooling Doxie Doggy | COLLETTE CAMERON

The challenges of writing with a puppy in your lap.
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I enjoy having my dogs around me when I write; most of the time that is. It is a bit of a bother when all five decide they want to sit in my lap at once. My lap is not that big!

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Tito, Pookie, Naunnie, and Fido

Ayva is always nearby, usually curled up on my legs. That explains the puppy goobers on the screen and the drool on the keyboard. Her favorite position is resting her head on my left arm or on the keyboard. That makes it just the teensiest bit difficult to type. Okay, so it makes it considerably more difficult to type, but I’ve built up my left forearm muscles quite nicely!

Just for kicks, I thought I’d post some pictures of Ayva, my “writing assistant.

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I’m curious, how many of you write with a pet nearby?

USA Today Bestselling Author Collette Cameron, Collette Cameron historical romances, Collette Cameron Regency romances, Collette Cameron romance novels, Collette Cameron Scottish historical romance books, Blue Rose Romance, Bestselling historical romance authors, historical romance novels, Regency romance novels, Highlander romance books, Scottish romance novels, romance novel covers, Bestselling romance novels, Bestselling Regency romances, Bestselling Scottish Romances, Bestselling Highlander romances, Victorian Romances, lords and ladies romance novels, Regency England Dukes romance books, aristocrats and royalty, happily ever after novels, love stories, USA Today Bestselling Author Collette Cameron, Collette Cameron historical romances, Collette Cameron Regency romances, Collette Cameron romance novels, Collette Cameron Scottish historical romance books, Blue Rose Romance, Bestselling historical romance authors, historical romance novels, Regency romance novels, Highlander romance books, Scottish romance novels, romance novel covers, Bestselling romance novels, Bestselling Regency romances, Bestselling Scottish Romances, Bestselling Highlander romances, Victorian Romances, lords and ladies romance novels, Regency England Dukes romance books, aristocrats and royalty, happily ever after novels, love stories, wallflowers, rakes and rogues, award-winning books, Award-winning author, historical romance audio books, collettecameron.com, The Regency Rose Newsletter, Sweet-to-Spicy Timeless Romance

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